Friday, October 18, 2019

Discuss how women are represented in the media today using clip A and your own examples

Advert starts with a Women in a white / pale room which are colours usually represented with innocence which is stereotyping the women and the golden candle lamps in the background can infer that the product is for the rich. She also appears to be wearing no clothes showing that she is being sexualised. we get a quick montage of the women grabbing expensive shoes and driving what is inferred to be an expensive car. An example of the male gaze theory due to the audience getting a low angle shot of the women's rear which shows how the advert is filmed from a male point of view. this is further proven when she enters what we can guess is a bedroom which cuts to an extreme close up of her unzipping her dress further sexualising the women. This is countered though in the WW2 propaganda poster which was made to promote the war effort and get women to help the soldiers which helped with supporting feminism. This is shown by the women in the poster wearing a blue boiler suit which would of been seen as going against the norm in these times due to them traditionally being house wives which this poster promotes being against the norm. It also says "We Can Do It!" which is directed towards all the women in these times.

1 comment:

  1. Your first sentence doesn't fully relate to the question, so what representation is this making about women and what impact/effect does this have on audiences?
    You move on too quickly from each point - you need to explain the reason for and impact of each 'representation' you offer.
    Use more terminology i.e mise en scene of clothing ect
    You've talked about male gaze but this is a womens perfume advert so why has this technique been used? Need to explore in more depth, many basic ideas being offered.
    The question asks 'media today' so your second case study is not relevant unless used with a modern example to show how representations have changed over time ect.

    Some examples picked out and general terminology seen, good attempt to apply theory but overall this whole response needs more depth and analysis of meaning and effect of the representations.
